
How To Add Reviews On Your Shopify Store

You did it! You pulled the trigger and decided to start your own ecommerce brand. You built a website. You created products. You sold those products and now your customers are leaving reviews. Wondering how you should be displaying these reviews? We’ve got you covered.

1. Reviews Page

A reviews page is a dedicated page that showcases all of your customers’ reviews in one place. Creating a reviews page not only shows that people like your product, it also makes that information easy to find.

Whereas Oats Overnight does have a reviews page, and when customers search ‘Oats Overnight reviews’ it’s the first search result.
Review pages:
  • Create easy access to reviews for customers and builds trust as social proof
  • Increase your store’s SEO and organic search rates
  • Direct more traffic to your site and helps with conversions

2. Homepage

Customers have a driven desire to find out what others think before making a purchase. As a brand, you want to leverage this and feature your customers’ reviews on your homepage. Visitors to your site will be greeted by glowing reviews, positioning your brand as trustworthy and valuable right from the start.

Whereas Oats Overnight does have a reviews page, and when customers search ‘Oats Overnight reviews’ it’s the first search result.

The best way to display reviews on your store

First and foremost, you should always start with having a review widget on your product pages. Once you've got that ground covered, making product reviews visible at the key touch points along a customer's purchase journey is your next step.

So, when it comes to choosing a product review app, it should have the functionality to display reviews on product pages, homepages, and support the addition of a dedicated reviews page. These are all the key touch points every shopper will interact with before getting to checkout and 72% of online shoppers won't take action until they read a review. Don't waste any more time, how are you going to show off your reviews?

Presidio CreativeMarketing @QuizKit

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