Product Updates, Quiz Marketing

Get personal with a customized quiz!

At Quiz Kit, we understand the power of personalization in e-commerce. So we're excited to provide you with plenty of opportunities to make your customers feel truly special. Let's explore how Quiz Kit can help you achieve better results through these customization solutions.

Difficulty level: 🌶️

Highlight products and results with personalization:

With Quiz Kit's personalization feature, you can now add quiz results everywhere, available on the Middle plan and higher. For those using Shopify online store 2.0 themes, it's easy to seamlessly integrate a "quiz results" section into any of your store pages! Plus, you can use our new filtering system to find the best recommendations based on Shopify's 'related products' core and the new quiz data.

 Did you know…  You can personalize your navigation menu with Quiz Kit! Modify your nav for customers who’ve taken your quiz. Instead of prompting them with "Take the Quiz" you can highlight their results by swapping out the nav item text to "See Results". Learn more here!

Difficulty level: 🌶️🌶️

Technically simple, HTML-friendly solutions:

All text fields in the quiz builder support HTML, allowing you to adjust text, add external links, and videos effortlessly. On result pages, you can even incorporate entire sections, such as user ratings, to enhance engagement.

Check out solemechanics for an insightful and interactive quiz!

Custom CSS and JavaScript solutions:

Need more inspo? Check out Minimalist's quiz design. They created two differently sized product sections to highlight main and support recommendations. This approach declutters the results page and promotes additional products alongside the main recommendations. Even the add-ons are curated with quiz kit, based on the customers answers for a personalized experience.

Here’s an example that will bring music to your ears. Literally.
Orangewood uses Javascript to add sounds on top of questions for an interactive experience.

Learn how to apply your own custom CSS and JS here.

 Did you know…  You can redirect customers to your own result page while still tracking revenue! Reach out to our support team for expert guidance or read instructions here. Learn more here!

Difficulty level: 🌶️🌶️🌶️

You can get super custom.

If you're looking to make your quiz truly unique, our experienced team at Presidio is here to help.

Take the award winning quiz from HiBobbie as an example. We helped bring their Quiz Formulator to life!

Got an idea? We can help! Our expert developers can help bring your vision to life. Reach out us in the app, or send us a quick shout.

Happy quizzing!
Presidio CreativeMarketing @QuizKit

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